Invest In Yourself With TD Culture Lab Webinars
Mississauga Arts Council is excited to announce our TD Culture Lab 2021 Webinar Series. These FREE educational webinars, sponsored by TD Bank Group, provide creative and instructive ways for the city’s creative sector to learn new creative skills and hone their business knowledge.
The series of FREE 90-minute webinars will be hosted on ZOOM throughout February and March 2021 and will feature leading professionals discussing topics like Brand Development and Marketing, Finances for Artists, Grant Writing, Movie Making on a Budget, and Music Promotion.
“Is there anyone, practicing anything in the world today – that is expected to know more, about more different subjects – than the modern professional artist?” says Mike Douglas, Executive Director, Mississauga Arts Council (MAC). “Now MAC has plans to help artists learn and survive, by absorbing this new series of real-world lessons, for making art that matters in the pandemic.”
Learn more:
*All webinars are free and will be hosted over ZOOM. Watch our social media channels to find out how to get your free ticket through Eventbrite – space is limited so sign up early!

Video Production on a Budget
Thursday, February 11, 2021 @ 7PM
So you want to make a film. What will it cost? What things do you need to consider before/during and after filming? What can you do to elevate your film from good to better to best? Join Cynthia Crofoot and Jim Morrison IV for an in-depth exploration into the world of “Micro-Budget Filmmaking”.

Get Your Songs on the Radio
Tuesday, February 26, 2021 @ 7PM
Have you ever wanted to hear your song on the radio? Join Demetrius Nath of Antiskeptic Entertainment and recording artist Elyse Saunders for a crash course on how to get your music on the airwaves. Identify what works, why it works & how to make it on air. Understand why radio is still relevant at this day & age…and perhaps how you can cash in.

Effective Grant Writing for Artists
Thursday, February 18, 2021 @ 7PM
This webinar will explore how artists can use existing grants to generate funds for their work and effective strategies for artists to stand out among assessors when applying for grants. Presenter, Rohit Mehta, is the Founder and President of DoGood Fundraising and has been active in the non-profit sector for 16 years. Special guest, Maura Broadhurst of the Ontario Arts Council will join Rohit to discuss OAC’s programs and best practices for grant writing.

Creative Journey$
Thursday, February 25, 2021 @ 7PM
Navigating the music world can be complicated, especially if you want to make it big. Join Michael Amaral of Crustymedia, and 2019 MARTY award winner Arlene as they discuss the keys to success in music and beyond.

Brand Building Tips for Creatives and Entrepreneurs
Thursday, March 4, 2021 @ 7PM
Daniel Francavilla is a creative strategist and mentor making a positive impact through his agency, Now Creative Group. This informative webinar will cover how you can grow your audience through consistent and authentic content, defining your personal brand, and how to set yourself up for success online in today’s chaotic pandemic world. Join us and learn the basics on how to make things happen for business and artistic brand.

Creative Money
Thursday, March 11, 2021 @ 7PM
Chris Enns is a certified financial planner (CFP) and opera singer. As the founder of Rags to Reasonable – an advice only financial planning & money coaching firm, he specializes in working with creatives and people with other non-traditional financial situations. The Creative Money Webinar will cover topics like: Setting financial goals; Mapping the cost of your life and figuring out irregular expenses; How to separate your business and personal life; How to manage variable income; The fundamentals of self-employed tax returns; and tools that can help manage your money.

Recording at Home…Like a PRO
Thursday, March 18, 2021 @ 7PM
Stuck at home but still need to record a song? Is podcasting your new pandemic hobby? Recording from home doesn’t need to be frustrating, and you can even build a great home set-up without breaking the bank. Join musicians Mark Kelso and Matt Zaddy for this webinar, and hear their tales of success, lessons learned, mistakes to avoid, and more at this webinar. Got questions about the best USB Microphone or the best software? Yep, they can help with that too!