Mississauga, ON – September 20, 2022

Mississauga Arts Council (MAC) and Art Gallery of Mississauga (AGM) invite you to celebrate their milestone anniversaries at their upcoming Open House on September 28, 2022, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM at Mississauga Civic Centre Great Hall. There will be speeches from VIPs, networking opportunities with staff and volunteers, refreshments, entertainment, and tours of the AGM galleries and MAC’s office and studio.
“Mississauga Arts Council is celebrating 40 years of dedication to the development and growth of the arts community in Mississauga.” says Mike Douglas, MAC’s Executive Director, “As we celebrate our anniversary, our mission has evolved to serving the professional arts community and encouraging the sector’s capacity to succeed both digitally and in-person. We invite you to come celebrate this achievement with us and to hear news about exciting programs and services we have at MAC. We are looking forward to seeing you there.”
“AGM is proud to be celebrating its 35 year anniversary. Over the years we have provided platforms for engagement, exhibitions, collections and experimentation in contemporary culture, with a renewed focus on under-represented communities in Mississauga.” says Anna Gulbinski, AGM’s Executive Director, “We are thrilled to partner with our neighbors at MAC to co-host this open house. Please join us to hear new announcements from the AGM including our art auction, upcoming programming for the Fall, and the release of our 2023 exhibition schedule.”
This anniversary open house takes place on Wednesday, September 28th, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM at Mississauga Civic Centre Great Hall. All are invited to attend to hear from VIPs: Mayor Bonnie Crombie, Mike Douglas, Executive Director (MAC), Anna Gulbinski, Executive Director (AGM), and network with staff and volunteers.
Reserve your ticket to MAC & AGM’s Open House at: bit.ly/AGMMACOpenHouse
About MAC
Mississauga Arts Council is a registered charity, dedicated to accelerating progress toward the attainment of our Vision of Mississauga, as a vibrant cultural community where arts and culture thrive! Our mission is to empower the Arts Economy by Creating more opportunities & capacity; Connecting artists to audiences and each other; and Celebrating artists’ achievements.
About AGM
The Art Gallery of Mississauga (AGM) is a public, not-for-profit, art gallery that was founded in 1987, opening its doors in the new Mississauga Civic Centre that same year. The AGM presents a changing calendar of contemporary, thought-provoking, engaging and accessible exhibitions featuring regional, national and international artists. We thrive alongside long-time partners and welcome new collaborators to always be presenting and encouraging those artists that are established, new and upcoming. Learn more: artgalleryofmississauga.com
For more information about MAC, please contact:
Sherri Murray, Communications Producer
Mississauga Arts Council
For more information about AGM, please contact:
Jean-Marc Schmie, Communications Coordinator
Art Gallery of Mississauga