Mississauga Arts Council (MAC) is pleased to announce the 21 winners of their Fall MAC MicroGrant Program, distributing a total of $80,000 in MicroGrant funding across seven funding streams. These funds will directly support artist-led projects and initiatives that will continue to encourage recovery and growth in the arts sector.
“The applications this Fall were engaging, varied and valuable. The winning creative projects all connect to Mississauga,” notes Susan Durnin, MAC’s Administration Lead, “Projects range from impactful therapeutic art programs, theatre and dance works, music recordings, videos and concerts, short documentaries and feature films, visual art projects, and more!”
“Thanks to a combination of funding from the City of Mississauga and Ontario Trillium Foundation, corporate sponsors, individual donors and volunteers working at RAMA Gaming Centre, MAC has been able to put together two rounds of MicroGrants this year destined for 32 artists and groups in our community, investing $118,000. These grants accelerate career progress, provide hope, while animating and beautifying our city. Congratulations to all!” says Mike Douglas, MAC’s Executive Director.
This year’s MicroGrant Winners are: (full list with descriptions below)
Fall Project MicroGrant Winners:
Andrew Gaboury (Theatre in the Park), Anna Silgardo (ArtsCare Program Development), Arlene (Short Documentary), Bree Taylor (Music Showcase Event Production), Cathleen MacDonald (Short Documentary), Dora Paszuk (Dance on Film), Fausta Facciponte (Visual Art Exhibition Curation), Visual Arts Mississauga (ArtsCare Program Development).

Fall Matchmaker MicroGrant Winners:
Anju Malhotra (filmmaker), Anna Wojcik (opera singer), Cat Bernardi (jazz singer), Cullen McFater (filmmaker), Gladys Lou (multimedia artist), Gordon Culley (filmmaker), Heather Christine (singer-songwriter), Jaimie Poon (jazz singer), Lincoln Blaché (musician), Matt Zaddy (musician), Paul Castro (musician/music producer), Radhika Baskar (musician), Sandra Clarke (visual artist).

“And there’s more good news,” adds Mike, “Thanks to 400 of the City’s arts supporters at our MACsquerade Glam Ball Fundraiser on December 1, 2022, we were able to raise $52,000 which will help sustain our MicroGrant program for 2023!”
Mike continues, “Special thank you’s go to the generous sponsors of our MACsquerade Glam Ball ‘22: Lakeview Community Partners Limited, the presenting partner, and our Arts Supporters sponsors: Brightwater (Port Credit West Village Community Partners), Daniels Square One Inc. (a joint venture between The Daniels Corporation and Oxford Properties), Century Audio Visual, Edenshaw Fairview Developments Ltd., Urban Capital Development Inc as Agent for Rogers M City V Development Limited, Regional Municipality of Peel Police Services Board and Sheridan College. We are also extremely grateful for the contributions from RAMA Gaming House – Mississauga, through the Mississauga Charitable Gaming Association.”
MAC MicroGrant Winner Testimonials:
“I am delighted to receive this MicroGrant! Making a difference one life at a time has always been my mantra, this MicroGrant has the capacity to have a macro impact on people’s lives through participation in the Arts!” says Anna Silgardo, 2022 ArtsCare Program Development MicroGrant Winner.
“I needed a catalyst to boost my morale. Receiving this Matchmaker MicroGrant and having people believe in my project, is exactly what I needed to push me to keep creating!” says musician, Paul Castro, 2022 Matchmaker MicroGrant Winner.
MicroGrant Projects Winners:
ArtsCare Program Development MicroGrant:
Visual Arts Mississauga – Wellness Art Workshop Series: Arts-based wellness workshops for youth and adults.
Anna Silgardo (Artists In Motion) – “Now I see me, Now I don’t”: A program dedicated to mental wellness.
Dance on Film MicroGrant:
Dora Paszuk – My Carmen: Spanish Dance infused story.
Music Showcase Event Production MicroGrant:
Bree Taylor – Cheers & Beers Concert Series: Concert series for emerging artists.
Short Documentary Film MicroGrant:
Arlene – Everything Off Balance: Documentary about singer-songwriter Arlene’s successes and struggles of her journey to create next album about mental health.
Cathleen MacDonald – KANAKIYOST: Art, Identity, and Belonging: Documentary about Mississauga-based Indigenous visual artist Lynn Taylor.
Theatre in the Park MicroGrant:
Andrew Gaboury – A Pastel-Coloured Land (working title): Interactive performance work using clown, mime, dance and puppetry.
Visual Art Exhibition Curation MicroGrant:
Fausta Facciponte – Show and Tell Art Exhibition: Exhibition celebrating the work of ten emerging artists.
Matchmaker MicroGrant Winners:
Anju Malhotra – Food For Thought: Short film focused on the topic of food insecurity.
Anna Wojcik – Opera Outreach Program: Opera outreach program for schools.
Cat Bernardi – Mona Lisa: Music video and single of Jazz classic ‘Mona Lisa’.
Cullen McFater – Daylight Again: Debut feature film “Daylight Again”.
Gladys Lou – Semiotics of Water: Multimedia installation regarding the changing states of water.
Gordon Culley – Everything’s Gonna Be Alright: Short Film about PTSD and intergenerational relationships.
Heather Christine – Mentor Magic: New original single featuring Mississauga musicians and Bill King.
Jaimie Poon – Between Us Being Album: Debut album recording.
Lincoln Blaché – Mykonos: Recording and release of new single Mykonos.
Matt Zaddy – new single 2023: Recording and release of a new single.
Paul Castro – “THE iDENTiTY CRiSiS” new single and music video: Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, rapper, producer, Paul Castro i.e. “THE iDENTiTY CRiSiS” creation of a new solo single and music video.
Radhika Baskar – AMALGAM – A fusion music project: Cross-cultural fusion music concert.
Sandra Clarke – Build Your Art Business Guide and Workbook: PDF guide and printable workbook for artists to learn how to develop a biography, artist statement, and resume.
About MAC’s MicroGrant Program:
MAC’s dynamic and impactful MicroGrant program provides funding for artist-led projects which have a pronounced and impactful connection to the public and bring recognition and increased awareness to the arts across the city. These MicroGrants are made possible through sponsor contributions and MAC’s own fundraising efforts. Since 2019, MAC has provided over $250,000 in project and career development funding to 107 artists across all artistic practices. Learn more: mississaugaartscouncil.com/programs/microgrants