Mississauga Arts Council’s (MAC) MicroGrant Program provides funding to individual artists to support the creation and presentation of their impactful projects. These MicroGrants target areas of interest or needs within the local arts sector, and have been catalysts for collaboration across artistic practices.
Our Fall 2024 MicroGrants will support artist-led projects from any artistic discipline that feature public-facing events or activities that engage audiences in Mississauga. Eligible projects must include artist fees for Mississauga artists and must take place in Mississauga.
This funding round, MAC is offering Matchmaker MicroGrants to Individual Artist Applicants. Matchmaker MicroGrants provide funding for 50% of a project to a maximum of $3000. Project applications must demonstrate a confirmed investment in the project at the time of application.
Please read the Guidelines in FULL before applying. After reviewing the guidelines, if you still have questions, you can reach out by email for more information to susan@macarts.ca. Please allow 2-3 business days for a response.
All MicroGrant applications must be received by MAC by Tuesday, October 1, 2024, before 5:00 PM. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Need a budget? There is a link to a template in the guidelines – this will prompt you to download a copy or “save a copy”. If google sheets is not working for you, you can download an excel file here – https://www.mississaugaartscouncil.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/TEMPLATE-MicroGrant-Budget-2024.xlsx
Thank you to our MicroGrant Funders: