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Submit Your Nomination for the 2025 MARTYS

Nominations are now OPEN for the 30th annual Mississauga Arts Awards!

Professional artists who are residents of the City of Mississauga, have a significant connection to Mississauga, or have made a major contribution to the arts within Mississauga are encouraged to submit a nomination before the deadline.

The MARTY Nominations Process

All nominees must read the full MARTY Award Guidelines document before submitting a nomination.

Which Award Category do I apply to?

Artistic Excellence

Recognizing that excellence can be achieved at any stage in an artist’s career, Mississauga Arts Council celebrates Artistic Excellence Awards in both Established and Emerging Categories. The finalists and winners in each artistic discipline are selected by an independent jury of experts.

Award categories include:

  • Dance
  • Film/Video Arts
  • Literary Arts
  • Music – Group
  • Music – Instrumental
  • Music – Solo Vocalist
  • Performing Arts
  • Theatre Arts
  • Visual Arts – Multimedia Arts
  • Visual Arts – Traditional Forms

Categories are subject to change. The details of these categories can be found in the MARTY Guidelines.

Community Arts Awards

Mississauga’s arts sector is a robust ecosystem and MAC also celebrates the contributions of outstanding volunteers, patrons, lifetime achievers, community arts groups/collectives, and occasionally jury-recommended special recognition awards. The Community Arts Awards are evaluated and scored using similar criteria to the Artistic Excellence Awards. 

Award categories include:

  • Community Arts Group/Collective of the Year
  • Festival of the Year
  • Lifetime Achievement
  • Hazel McCallion Volunteer of the Year

The details of these categories can be found in the MARTY Guidelines.

How do I submit a nomination?

Step 1: Read the Guidelines

Download and read the 2025 MARTY Nomination guidelines here:

Questions about the nomination process? Watch our 2025 MARTY Nomination Information Session on YouTube below.

Step 2: Prepare Your Materials

Depending on the Award Category you are submitting a nomination for, your submission materials may be different. Please read the guidelines for more information.

Artistic Excellence Award Materials:

  • Artist contact information
  • Reference contact information
  • Artist biography, CV/resume, website/social links, headshot, work samples and description of works.

Community Arts Group/Collective and Festival of the Year Materials:

  • Community Arts Group/Collective or Festival information
  • Reference contact information
  • Nomination statement, mandate statement, quantitative results, images and logo(s), and photo/video samples

Community Arts Awards (Lifetime Achievement & Hazel McCallion Volunteer of the Year) Materials:

  • Reference contact information
  • Nominee contact information
  • Nominee bio, resume, headshot, and social media/website links

Step 3: Submit via our Webform

Using the materials you prepared, complete the nomination webform of your Award Category of choice and submit your documents through the webform.

Artist Excellence Award Webform:

Community Arts Group/Collective and Festival of the Year Webform:

Community Arts Awards (Lifetime Achievement & Hazel McCallion Volunteer of the Year) Webform:

The deadline for all nominations is Monday, April 14, 2025, by 5 PM.
No late or incomplete submissions will be considered.

If you require accessibility support to complete your nomination form, please email, please allow up to two business days for a response.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a professional artist?

Mississauga Arts Council supports the definition of a professional artist from the Canada Council for the Arts: A professional artist is an artist who; has specialized training in the artistic field (not necessarily in an academic institution), is recognized as professional by his or her peers (artists working the same artistic tradition), is committed to devoting more time to artistic activity (if possible financially), and has a history of public presentation or publication.

What if my artistic work falls into multiple categories? Which one should I choose?

We recognize that many artistic forms could fit into more than one category and we recommend selecting one that you most identify with and have the most work samples for.

Will MAC review my nomination materials and give me feedback?

MAC will not give you constructive feedback on the quality of your nomination materials. MAC can provide you with information about how to complete your nomination form and what components are needed to complete the submission. We encourage you to submit any questions you may have to Please allow two business days for a response.

Will I receive feedback from the jury?

No. The jury decisions are confidential and final. No feedback from jury members will be given to nominees. MAC can provide feedback on the quality or scope of application materials, but not on the jury decisions or artistic merit of an application.

Who can be my reference?

A reference is an individual who can vouch for the expertise and skill set of the artist. The reference can be from anywhere, we are looking for someone who can vouch for the nominee and speak to their accomplishments. 

Who should I contact regarding any questions and inquiries I have about my nomination?

If you have read the guidelines and still have questions, you can contact and we can answer any questions you may have. Please allow up to two business days for a response. MAC will not give you feedback on the quality of your nomination materials. MAC will provide you with information about how to complete your nomination form and what components need to be submitted.

Will I be contacted if I am selected as a finalist?

Yes, you will be contacted by MAC if you are selected as a finalist in May of 2025. 

What happens if I am selected as a finalist?

You will need to complete the finalist acceptance form that will be sent to all finalists. If you are not already a member of MAC, you will need to join. For more information about MAC membership, please visit All finalists are required to attend The MARTY Award ceremony on June 19, 2025.