The Mississauga Arts Council is committed to assisting professional artists develop their artistic and entrepreneurial skills. When artists thrive, so does our community. Below are resources that might be of special interest to creatives and artists in Mississauga.

Calls for Artists
MAC offers a number of artist calls and opportunities to our members. Check out our Artist Opportunities page to find our latest calls.
Sauga Arts HUB also offers artist calls and opportunities shared from across the Mississauga arts community.

Grant Information for Artists
Whether you are new to grant writing or a grant writing expert, there is always more to learn!
MAC has compiled grant resources relevant to artists, including general steps to applying for grants and webinars with detailed information, tips, and tricks.

TD Culture Lab
MAC’s own TD Culture Lab provides in-depth professional development webinars and resources for artists looking to develop their career. Watch the videos on YouTube or download the resources by visiting our TD Culture Lab program webpage.
Artist Resource: Build Your Creative Business by Sandra Clarke
MAC member Sandra Clarke used her 2022 Matchmaker MicroGrant to write a professional development book for artists. Download her book FREE OF CHARGE and learn how to write a great artist biography, artist statement, and artist resume – all helpful with your next artist call or grant application!

Arts for Health
MAC is excited to build a pilot Arts for Mental Health program of creative health care services that would deliver the proven health benefits for clients of all ages using creative arts experiences while providing stable employment for artists of all practices. The resources below document real-world examples of Arts for Mental Health in action across Canada and the globe.
- Canadians’ Arts Participation, Health, and Well-Being by Hill Strategies – 2021
- Impressions of the impact of the arts on quality of life and well-being in Ontario by Nanos for the Ontario Arts Council – 2017
- Arts in Healthcare Field Report – 2009

Helpful Links
MAC is pleased to collect useful links for artists of all disciplines. From Granting opportunities for all disciplines, to film festivals, visual arts websites, music resources and more. Keep an eye on the buttons below for new resources as we regularly update this page.
On December 13, 2017, the Ministry of Community and Social Services announced that arts grants are exempt as both income and assets for people on the Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works. This exemption also applies to grants from the Indigenous Culture Fund administered by the Ontario Arts Council.