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Sponsors and Supporters

When you partner with Mississauga Arts Council you connect with people who are actively involved in improving their community.

Partner with Mississauga Arts Council in changing the lives of artists and beautifying the city of Mississauga. This is your chance to build brand awareness and align your organization with a cause that supports arts and culture in your community.

Sponsorship opportunities include:

  • MAC’s gala events – The MARTY Awards and MACsquerade Ball
  • a unique public art installation through Murals with MAC
  • direct artist support through a MAC MicroGrant
  • supporting community wellbeing through ArtsCare!

Join us for a meaningful partnership! Let’s connect to see what MAC can do for you. Reach out by phone 905-615-4278 or by email.

Looking to support as an individual?
Donate to Mississauga Arts Council here.

Thank you to our generous funders, sponsors, and community partners!

Our Funders

Our Funders support our ongoing operations and partner with us to provide impactful programs to our members and community. These generous funders allow MAC to deliver great programs and services to our members.

Our Sponsors

Our sponsors contribute to MAC’s impactful programs and exciting gala events. Their generous contribution help increase the impact of MAC’s programs and events for professional artists in Mississauga.

Transformational Sponsors ($25,000+)

MicroGrant sponsor logos - MAC, Rama Gaming House, MCGA

Visionary Sponsors ($10,000-$25,000)

Champion Sponsors ($5,000-$10,000)

Resounding Sponsors ($2,500-$5,000)

MicroGrant sponsor logos - MAC, Rama Gaming House, MCGA

Ellen McGregor
Natasha Butta

Ambassador ($1,000-$2,500)

Celebrate ($250-$1,000)

Peter Toller

Community Partners

100 Women Who Care Mississauga

Art Gallery of Mississauga

The Art Shelter

CreativeHub 1352

Concerts in Care (Ontario)

Courtney Park Writers Group

DoGood Fundraising

Eagle Spirits of the Great Waters

The Encore Series

Entertainment Unlimited

Erin Mills Town Centre

The Merry Men

Merle and Susan Zoerb

Metalworks Institute

Mississauga Board of Trade (MBOT)

Mississauga Foundation

Mississauga Music

Mississauga Symphony Orchestra

Mississauga Writers Group

Oakville Festivals of Film and Art

Tim Horton’s Southside Shuffle

RBC Next Gen

SAWITRI Theatre Group


Streetsville Bread & Honey Festival


Visual Arts Mississauga

Sponsor News

Mississauga Arts Council awards $42,900 in MicroGrant Funding to 16 Winning Mississauga Artists!

Mississauga Arts Council awards $42,900 in MicroGrant Funding to 16 Winning Mississauga Artists!

Mississauga Arts Council (MAC) is pleased to announce the 16 winners of their Fall 2024 MicroGrant P…

Mississauga Arts Council announces the winner of the 2024 Arts for Mental Health Award – Anu Srivastava!

Mississauga Arts Council announces the winner of the 2024 Arts for Mental Health Award – Anu Srivastava!

Mississauga Arts Council is pleased to announce the winner of this year's Arts for Mental Health Awa…

Tickets ON SALE for the 29th Annual Mississauga Arts Awards!

Tickets ON SALE for the 29th Annual Mississauga Arts Awards!

Tickets are ON SALE NOW for the 2024 MARTY Awards on June 26, 2024 – Get yours before they are gone!

“It’s so important now for companies of all sectors to engage and include cultural industries in what they do because when you think about where talent is going, they’re going where it’s cool. They’re going where they’re going to have a really good experience for themselves and ultimately for their families and we need to be there.”

– Trevor McPherson, CEO & President of Mississauga Board of Trade (MBOT), interviewed by Stella Jurgen for Stella’s Studio on Camões TV.

Our Event Sponsors

The MARTY Awards and MACsquerade Ball are two of the city’s premiere events, and our event sponsors are front and centre Event sponsors help MAC celebrate the amazing arts sector in Mississauga through exciting community building events.

The MARTY Awards (2024)

Champion Sponsors

Resounding Sponsor

Award Sponsors
MAC’s Board of Directors
Ellen McGregor

Friends of the MARTYS
David T. Ho
JD Accounting
Peel Police Services Board
TD Bank Group

MACsquerade Disco Inferno (2024)

Resounding Sponsors

Friends of the Arts

Natasha Butta